A win for our animals

A win for our animals

Petco decided to stop selling treats made in china. You still need to be careful of what you feed your pets because some items are still purchased from China. It is a small step in the right direction and has taken 7 long years to get here. Here is to hoping that more companies follow in their footsteps.

Made me think….

I was talking to Pobept this morning trying to get educated on GMOs. He sent me a few links to read and the first one was this link http://www.foxnews.com/leisure/2014/03/11/gmo-salmon-may-soon-hit-food-stores-but-will-anyone-buy-it/ . I can say that this link made me truly think about what GMOs are hurting. Would you buy one and eat it? Have you thought about cause and effect? You buy a GMO salmon and take it home to feed your family. Do you think about what fisher and their familyis going hungry tonight because no one is buying the fish they caught? Do you even think about if this fish is safe to eat? I know if they allow the grocery stores to sell this fish I will never buy one. I want to keep America working and I want them to be able to work and make money to feed their families. If we let them start with fish, when do we stop them? Next thing on your table will be GMO beef or pork or chicken. Do you ever stop to think what is wrong with these children today? The 12 year old girls look like they are in their 20’s and the boys look like men. All the autism and adhd. Do you stop and think….maybe it is all the hormones and chemicals they are putting our food. Cause and effect……

I’m not a religious person but I can tell you that I don’t think God would ever approve of this.  All I know for sure is I don’t like the government messing with my food. Grow your own and buy from your local farmers. Keep America Working! Stay safe and watch what you put in your bodies.


Keep on planting 🙂

Best Fried Chicken

If you ever get a chance to come to Jacksonville, FL make sure you take some time to eat at Beach Rd Chicken Dinners. They have the best fried chicken and gravy. They have been in business and at the same location since 1939.  They finally got smart and opened their dining room at 11:00 am instead of 4:00 pm. People would stand in line for hour waiting to get a table for dinner. If you want to taste southern food at its best make sure to stop and eat even if your just passing through town.


2009 Florida Dining Hall of Fame in the September 2009 issue of Jacksonville Magazine.

Voted Best Fried Chicken in the December 2007 issue of Jacksonville Magazine.

Selected Best Fried Chicken in the South in the October 1999 issue of Southern Living Magazine.


Beach Road Chicken Dinners 
A Jacksonville Tradition in Family Dining Since 1939


4132 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, Florida 32207


4 piece chicken dinner
4 pieces of chicken, french fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available: chicken only

8 piece box of chicken
8 pieces of chicken, french fries, 1/2 pint cream peas, 1/2 pint cole slaw, 6 biscuits and
1/2 pint of gravy
Also available: chicken only

12 piece box of chicken
12 pieces of chicken, french fries, 3/4 pint cream peas, 3/4 pint cole slaw, 9 biscuits,
3/4 pint of gravy
Also available: chicken only

16 piece box of chicken
16 pieces of chicken, french fries, pint cream peas, pint cole slaw, 12 biscuits and
pint of gravy
Also available: chicken only

24 piece box of chicken
24 pieces of chicken, french fries, 1 1/2 pints cream peas, 1 1/2 pints cole slaw, 18 biscuits and
1 1/2 pints of gravy
Also available: chicken only

1-leg and 1 thigh
2 wings
2-white meat strips
1-wing, 1 breast
1/2 liver, 1/2 gizzard or hearts
1 fish
6 piece shrimp
Choose one side: french fries, cream peas, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, rice, or gravy

White Meat Dinners
all white meat (2 wings, 2 breasts)
5 wing dinner
white meat strips (5 strips)
all breast dinner (4 breasts)
french fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available: white meat strips only
Liver, gizzard or heart dinners
10 to 12 livers, gizzards or hearts french fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available: livers, gizzards or hearts only

Baked Chicken is also available. Please allow at least 45 minutes.

Country fried steak dinner
3 fried steaks, french fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available:country fried steak only

Shrimp dinner
12 butterfly shrimp, trench fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available:Shrimp only

Fried fillet of fish dinner
2- 4, 6 oz. fillets, trench fries, cream peas, cole slaw, 3 biscuits and gravy
Also available:Fish only

Beach Road Feast for two
4 pieces of chicken, 6 shrimp, 2 pieces of fish, french fries, 1/2 pint of cream peas,
1/2 pint cole slaw, 6 biscuits and 1/2 pint of gravy

Chicken Parts

French Fries
Small Bag, Small Box, Large Bag, Large Box

Pepsi • Diet Pepsi • Sierra Mist • Lemonade Dr. Pepper • Fresh Brewed Iced Tea

Sides by the size
Cream peas, cole slaw, mashed potatoes, rice or gravy
1/2 pint

Sides (one size only)
Hot Pepper
Fried Corn on the Cob
Sweet Corn Nuggets
Fried Okra
Fried Squash
Onion Rings
Stuffed Jalapeno Peppers
Crunchy Crumbs
Honey 1/2 Pint
Individual Cobbler
Whole Cobbler

The reason I sell Scentsy

It started out as a way to make money but then it changed into a way to give back. My husband was out of work for a couple of months and I needed a way to bring more income into the house. I was invited to a Scentsy party but couldn’t afford to buy anything at that time. I really liked the product and wanted to buy the Forget Me Not warmer. Scentsy donates $8.00 for everyone bought to Alzheimer’s research and care. That is a cause that is near and dear to my heart because I lost my Mammaw to that terrible disease ( I will blog about that another day).  I also had a friend on facebook that sold it and always had a fundraiser going for one of the animal rescues here in town. I thought I could sell a product that I like and bring more money into the house. I bit the bullet and ordered my starter kit. I had a friend do my first home party and from there it started. I love selling Scentsy and I love giving back. I have done fundraisers for mission trips to Uganda, a sick child’s medical bills and of course animal rescue groups. I give 15% of my commission every month to a rescue group. Right now I have a fundraiser going on for The Ronald McDonald House here in Jacksonville. I would like to see every child get a Roosevelt Bunny from Scentsy for Easter and all of my commission from sales will purchase an extra rabbit. You can check out my Scentsy page on FB if your interested. It is like my blog….a little of everything. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oh-I-Need-Wax-Melissa-Lee-Independent-Scentsy-Consultant/536584439765052?ref=hl If you ever need to order and want part of that sale to go to a good cause just order here and pick a party. https://melissadriggerslee.scentsy.us/Scentsy/ I always have a fundraiser going for something. If you ever want to join and earn extra money or help by giving back, check out my page and join my team. You can make a difference.


A Love Letter To Fred Phelps….

My first thought when I heard the news was, GOOD! Hope he dies. Then I thought, that is a terrible thing to say about anyone. I am just as bad as he is when I think like that. I am sorry he died and I hope he does meet God and God explains to him how wrong he has been. I hope he finds peace because I know he has not had any here on earth with all that hate in his heart. Godspeed Fred

The Boeskool

Dear Mr. Phelps,

You don’t know me, but I’ve heard of you.  Last year when I went to the Final Four, I heard that some Westboro Baptist folks would be protesting there, and I thought about making a sign that said, “THESE PEOPLE DO NOT REPRESENT JESUS.” I’m so glad I didn’t waste my time on a sign. When I finally saw the protestors and heard their silly songs, it all just seemed comically sad. There is no way any thinking person could mistake that spectacle for anything that had to do with Jesus. I’m way more worried about the people calling themselves Christians who are trying to keep their hatred a secret….  At least your hatred was overt enough that everyone knew you were full of shit.

They say "Live your life in such a way that the Westboro Baptist Church will want to picket your funeral." Man.... How cool would that be? It’s hard to see them back there because you’re probably focusing on that amazing mustache, but those are some WBCers in the background…

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Harriet, A Chicken For All Seasons

Ready to get some chickens?

Town & Country Gardening

chickens-motives Harriet chicken and Harvy rabbit, both being pookas (Celtic mythology) know each other well. They sometimes visit homes and farms alone or at time join together on their visiting of farms and homes. At 6 foot 3-1/2 inches tall, Harriet and Harvy are not to ignored or neglected.
It is said that only a few special selected gardeners will ever see either of them.

McMurray hatchery
McMurray hatchery Blog
But with that said McMurray hatchery and their blog will provide you with a wonderful guide to different breeds and a very nice set of pictures to help you decide what breed(s) you would like to raise.
First things first. You have a few basic decisions. Not the least of these considerations is what breed and how many chickens do I ‘Need and Want’ in you chicken flock.

Bantams Chicks are often called the flower garden of the poultry world, Bantams…

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From yard to table to compost

Nothing beats fresh eggs!!! Well unless you ask my husband…. What does he know? I bet if I fed him fresh eggs or as I like to call them yard eggs he would never know. In my opinion there is nothing better for you than a fresh egg laid by your own chicken or a neighbors chicken (Thanks Joe and Michelle). Walk outside and grab a couple for breakfast, lunch or dinner. As long as you do not wash them you do not have to refrigerate and they can be kept as long as a month on the counter. They are full of protein and vitamins. Crack those babies right in the frying pan and save the shells for the compost bin. Store bought eggs have thinner shells and are pumped full of steroids and antibiotics. I may not be correct on all of that but dang they are pumping our foods with to many unnecessary chemicals. I plan to build me a chicken coop this year and get me some baby chicks. They make great organic garden bug eaters, great organic fertilizers, and great eggs. Next time you see fresh eggs sold here sign on the side of the road, Hit the Brakes!!! and stop and get you a dozen or two. I bet you will be back.

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Chicken Coop, Poop – It’s That Time Of The Year ‘Again’

Lovin the chicken blogs!

Town & Country Gardening

buying eggs 1946 Advertisement I’m At It Again Just a reminder it’s spring time and a good time to do a bit of chicken coop cleaning and maintenance. Repair doors, roost and nest boxes as needed. Sanitize and paint / repainting everything in and outside the hen house from the rafters to the floor or ground level. Fix or replace feeders and water containers. Check and repair as needed chicken run fencing. Replace any broken windows and roof shingles
It’s time to run your hens out of the hen house, into their outside run. Move feeders and water containers out of doors.

It’s time to get your hammer, nails, scraper, hoe, shovel and remove a winters worth of chicken coop poop! Remove old nest box nesting materials.

Remove dust from the places dust has been collecting since the last time you cleaned your hen house. Top of rafters, light fixtures, nest boxes…

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